Monday, September 10, 2012

History Lesson WWII

So we are still working on WWII in History. I must say, I think I probably enjoy it more than the kids, but I am TRYING to get them "into it". They have pennmanship each lesson where they have to trace a quote from that era and then write it out on their own. I really believe them writing it themselves will help them remember it, plus tracing it will help them practice neater handwriting. And being the cool mom that I am, I even let them listen to their own music instead of forcing them to listen to mine. Even though Frankie and I think it is cool to play music from that era while doing the lesson, Gracie would rather stick a hot poker in her eye.

Another project I LOVE! is using acetate laid over a map and color it in to show how rapidly land was taken over. The bottom map is before the war and the acetate shows how quickly and where Germany and it's Allies took over. Later it will show how the land was taken back......

I couldn't resist, I HAD, yes HAD to buy some magazines off ebay from that era. For the kids, mind you, to see the ads and the stories. It was super cool to see the "war time relief tips" and all the slang etc.... from back then. So far, the kids have not looked at them, but I have. I am "previewing" them for future lessons....:-)

Last week, we (and by we, I mean I made) little army hats. Before I made them, Gracie was in no way shape or form going to wear them. After I got Frankie's made, she tried to take his, so I finished hers as well...

We have started on VMAIL and care packages. I think it is an appropriate time to put together a care package for their Uncle Mike who is overseas in the Navy. I have been having them write him emails (snail mail would reallllly take too long for where he is) on a regular basis (well our goal is). While it's a far cry from VMAIL, they still get to experience how hard it is to keep writing even though he has not had time to respond every time. But I keep explaining that he still enjoys getting their letters and being able to read them even if he doesn't have time to respond right away. Some things just can't change. I'm sure when the soldiers were in the trenches fighting they didn't always have time to stop and respond to a letter. They just did when they could. Not to mention not always getting the letters right away. Even with today's technology, finding time when we are busy defending a country is still hard. We also make sure we pray for Uncle Mike each morning.

Also we are reading lessons and reading books from that era. I really hope my kids at least finish this year with a little more love for the time period than they started. There is soo much from that time that we can learn and apply to our current time. It is so important we learn from the past so we can continue to move forward. Otherwise we are stuck making the same mistakes and then some...Will share more as we go.......

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